Linguee Additionally

Linguee Additionally

Additionally a literature survey was conducted to obtain public data bases with relevant information to complete the risk profile. También se realizó una búsqueda de publicaciones en bases de datos públicas para obtener información pertinente para completar el perfil de riesgos.

Additionally , it should contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Seventh Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD/COP7), which adopted an elaborate programme of work on marine and coastal biodiversity with a number of goals, targets and activities aimed at halting the loss of biological diversity …

7.3 Indien de opdrachtgever niet binnen de overeengekomen termijnen betaalt, wordt hij geacht van rechtswege in verzuim te zijn en heeft Spirotech zonder enige ingebrekestelling het recht hem vanaf de vervaldag rente in rekening te brengen naar een percentage van 3 punten boven de in Nederland geldende wettelijke rente, zoals in art. 6:119a en art. 6:120 lid 2 Burgerlijk Wetboek bedoeld, en …

Additionally , it should contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Seventh Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD/COP7), which adopted an elaborate programme of work on marine and coastal biodiversity with a number of goals, targets and activities aimed at halting the loss of biological diversity …

Additionally , the Order allows for exemptions to be possibly granted by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency in ‘very special cases’, namely in cases not envisaged when the order was issued, in situations where it turns out that alternatives are not available or not suitable, or in situations where the overall level of greenhouse gas emissions (including ‘indirect emissions’ due …

Additionally, both clinical signs and depth of anesthesia monitors can be employed to monitor for potential patient awareness and help prevent its occurrence. De plus, on peut avoir recours aux moniteurs des signes cliniques et de la profondeur de l’anesthésie pour surveiller un possible regain de conscience du patient et empêcher qu …

Additionally a literature survey was conducted to obtain public data bases with relevant information to complete the risk profile. También se realizó una búsqueda de publicaciones en bases de datos públicas para obtener información pertinente para completar el perfil de riesgos.

A cosmetic composition comprising:at least one oligomer ofA) at least one aliphatic diisocyanate,B) at least one compound having at least two groups which are reactive toward isocyanate groups, which is chosen fromB1) aliphatic and cycloaliphatic polyols, polyamines and/or aminoalcohols,B2) polyetherols and/or diaminopolyethers,B3) polysiloxanes having at least two active hydrogen atoms per …

Additionally , East Timor has applied for membership in the organisation, and Papua New Guinea has oberver country status. Le Timor oriental aspire quant à lui à devenir membre de l’organisation et a présenté sa candidature ; et la Papouasie-Nouvelle Guinée dispose du statut de pays observateur.

The additionally required primary metal in the […] form of ingots or sows is a liquid commodity, and is procured through annual sales contracts with well-known suppliers that have long-standing business ties with our company.
