9/3/2020 · Geographic Science Program. Joining together to make a difference in the world. The Geographic Science Program empowers students to address problems associated with the spatial patterns and processes of human and environmental change.
8/25/2020 · Minor in GS Faculty and Staff; … Kimberly Robinson serves as the Academic Advisor for Geographic Science and can provide information and assistance with the following tasks: … To schedule an appointment, contact Kimberly at 540-568-6199, via email at robinsks@ jmu.edu or stopy by her office located in Engineering/Geo 2125. Back to Top.
1/14/2020 · Geographic Science Staff. Carole Nash, Ph.D. Associate Professor, GS, ISAT; Director, Shenandoah National Park Environmental Archaeology Program, Academic Advisor , GS and IA robinsks@ jmu.edu Contact Info Education M.Ed. Counseling Psychology, College Student Personnel Administration , James Madison University, Minor in Geographic Science. The JMU Geographic Science minor is designed for students who wish to broaden their current major with a program empowers students to address problems associated with the spatial patterns and processes of human and environmental change. The minor consists of the following courses for a total of not less than 19 credit hours.
Serve as the transfer advisor for IA and GS students Meet with internal JMU students who wish to declare the major, discuss major requirements, and answer student questions about GS and IA …
8/24/2020 · Carole Nash, Ph.D. Associate Professor, GS, ISAT; Director, Shenandoah National Park Environmental Archaeology Program, 9/16/2020 · School of Integrated Sciences ~ Faculty. Christie-Joy Brodrick Hartman, Ph.D. Professor, ISAT; Executive Director, Institute for Stewardship of the Natural World, JMU Crusade- General Email List (1039) CS- ADVISORS -L: 15: Mailing list for communications among advisors in the Computer Science Department (15) CS-GRADSTUDENTS: 14: Mail distribution list for on-campus CS grad students (14) CSJOBS-L: 518: Job announcements that may be of interest to CS students (518) CSM-ADMINS-L: 12: CSM Administration Staff …
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