Zpool Online Expand

Zpool Online Expand

7/25/2013  · Covert the mirror zpool to striped zpool : We can convert to striped zpool by just removing the mirror. 1.Check the zpool status . root@Unixarena-SOL11:~# zpool status oracle-S pool: oracle-S state: ONLINE scan: resilvered 86.5K in 0h0m with 0 errors on Wed Jul 24 13:16:46 2013 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM, Finally, we want to use ZFS expand to make use of the extra space: use zpool online -e zpool /dev/vda2 altering the zpool name and partition accordingly. zfs, grow, expand , resize, upgrade, zfs on linux, parted, gparted, vmware, kvm, centos, ubuntu, 6/11/2018  · Then you run the ‘ zpool online …’ command to tell ZFS to use all of the space on the disk. You’ll see no change until the last disk. Once you do the ‘ zpool online …’ for the last disk (ie; you’ve replaced them all) the pool will expand and show the additional free space for all disks.

I have a ZFS zpool on linux under kernel 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64 which has a single vdev. The vdev is a SAN device. I expanded the size of the SAN, and despite the zpool having autoexpand set to on, even after rebooting the machine, exporting/importing the pool, and using zpool online -e, I was unable to get the pool to expand .I am sure the vdev is larger because fdisk shows it has …

You can use the zpool online-e command to expand the pool’s size when a smaller disk is replaced by a larger disk. By default, pool size is not expanded to its full.

6/19/2014  · sharkoon# zpool status pool: tank state: ONLINE scan: none requested config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM tank ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 gptid/c2730247-e8a8-11e3-a753-20cf30933ebd.eli ONLINE 0 0 0 gptid/c2e2b02d-e8a8-11e3-a753-20cf30933ebd.eli ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-1 ONLINE 0 0 0 gptid/cd672e83-e99f-11e3-a12d-20cf30933ebd.eli ONLINE 0 0 0.

Use zpool online -e (-e stands for expand ): zpool online -e poolName /dev/sdxX You do not have to execute zpool offline before that. (Optional) Adjust quotas if you want to. If you don’t have set quota, underlying volumes will automatically get the new size.

12/7/2018  · See the man page for zpool (8). This can be done from the Live CD when you import the ZFS pool ( zpool import -R /mnt -o autoexpand=on zfspoolname) or your running system ( zpool set autoexpand=on zfspoolname).

Once all disks in a vdev are replaced by larger ones, you can expand the pool by running zpool online -e or by having the autoexpand property set to on (though I wouldn’t really recommend the latter; pool expansion should be a conscious decision). So which way is better? That basically depends on your pool.

7/6/2012  · # zpool online -e homez sdb the kernel failed to rescan the partition table: 16 cannot expand sdb: cannot relabel ‘/dev/sdb’: unable to read disk capacity This means the BLKRRPART ioctl called by efi_write() returns EBUSY , which is probably caused by the fact that the disk device is opened.
